Sunday 28 April 2013


Never is there ever someone to talk to when I feel like this.
Instead I'm here pouring my mind and soul into posts that wont even be read.

Saturday 27 April 2013


I don't think people ever truly understand each other, they just say they do to make the other person feel better, but eventually they slip and the other person realises that actually they were never understood at all and then they feel so alone and wish they had never confided in anyone to start with.

Tell me please...

Who are you?


~I'm so full of emotion that I'm completely numb.~

Truth be told...

~I am my biggest enemy.~

please tell me..


~For I have nothing left to give.~


Why do you listen but not say a word?

Why do you watch but never truly see?

Why do you care when theres nothing left?

Why do you appear but never when you're needed?

Why do you stay but are never really present?

~What do you want?~


Sometimes its hard to breathe, I forget how to fill my lungs
Other times its hard to eat, my stomach turns over and over
Most times its hard to think, my mind fight a battle with insanity

All the time its hard to be, for being means accepting and accepting is to be.

who are you?

Who is it reading these as I post?
Why do you care?

Nostalgia.. the way I am reminded of our first kiss as I walk through the blooming magnolias,
the way I think of nothing but the comfort of your arms as I lay alone in my bed.
It is the way I can no longer breathe walking the paths we used to walk together,
how the tears flow to the setting sun on the horizon as I walk home alone.

Nostalgia is the way spring now makes me feel so numb I doubt my own existence at times.

My sad soul

Why does no one just tell me its ok to be sad and then hold my hand through the sadness.
Instead they try their best to change me and in the end blame me for not trying to be happy, when really I am happy, its just that I carry an unmovable sadness inside.
~I bear inside me a sad soul, please don't try and change that, for it is all I know.~