Sunday, 10 June 2007

I feel sad :(

My day started out ok.
I sub-consciously dream about the same thing every morning.
Its like I'm asleep but aware of everything around me. I can also
alter the dream, well I don't really know because maybe the dream
is already tailored to how I would want it to be.
The dream is always about a footballer called Paulo, in my dreams
I dont see faces so I can't describe what he looks like facially (is
that even a word or did I just make it up?) Body wise he's 'tonk' and fit.
Anyway it's a dream I know would never come true because I know
I would never meet a footballer let alone fall in love with him.
The rest the dream always seems to continue the next day.
Anyway I don't know if I believe dreams have any significance, I do experience
a lot of deja vu's and sometimes feel asif I might have once dreamt it happening.
Thats not normal so I'll ignore it for now.
When I finally did wake up I went to lie in the sun and got sun stroke!!
It was great!! :P
A random question: Can someone prove that you've lied when you know you haven't?
Anyway I'm tired now, so I'm out.

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